Seniors Support
We foster resilience for our community’s aging population through the Seniors Support Team.

HOPES (Housing Outreach Preventing Evictions for Seniors)
Our goal with HOPES is to see vulnerable older adults 55+ and seniors secure and maintain housing in safe and stable environments. This program consists of a Program Coordinator and a Program Navigator, who work to provide assistance and/or connections to supports that address hoarding, noise levels or other disturbances to other tenants and issues maintaining the cleanliness of the unit.
- The Program Coordinator is responsible for maintaining relationships with landlords, social service and agency partners and runs interference if there are any hurdles for the landlord or the tenant at the beginning stages of the housing process. We also provide three months of case management and will gladly reopen any client file if a landlord has concerns.
- The Navigator works directly with the client to understand issues and create a solution that is helpful to all parties involved. At St. Matthew’s House, we stay connected to clients for a total of three months to ensure ongoing support. Furthermore, we are always able to reopen a file should the landlord need assistance with their tenant. The Navigator will help to setup direct payments so the landlord is guaranteed to be paid each month, and will attend viewings with clients and ensure that the landlord and client are both happy with the living arrangement.

Housing Focused Street Outreach Team
To In partnership with the City of Hamilton Public Health Unit, St. Matthew’s supports one coordinator and six street outreach workers who specifically work with those experiencing chronic or episodic homelessness. Workers connect clients to immediate support including shelter, food and income support and engage with those experiencing longer-term homelessness assistance to rapid re-housing and housing first support.
Phone: 905-546-2424 x2828

Seniors First Response Team
The Seniors First Response Team offers immediate support to seniors 55+ needing a rapid crisis response due to mental health, poverty, addictions, disabilities, and other vulnerabilities. The team includes emergency food delivery and follow up supports to alleviate a future crisis.
- Senior Support Navigator helps to support vulnerable seniors in the community facing a crisis in food, housing or income security issues.
- Food Security Response Team connects older adults to emergency food, prepared meals and access to a mobile food market, as well as the intervention worker to triage supports in the right direction.
For more information or a
referral to any seniors program
Please Call 905-523-5546 Ext.240
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