Our Team
Together, we work to serve our community
Our Team
Together, we work to serve our community

Renée Wetselaar
Executive Director
Phone: 905-523-5546 Ext. 243
Email: rwetselaar@stmatthewshouse.ca

Madeleine Bond
Communications & Development Manager & Holiday Hope Program Coordinator
Phone: 905-523-5546 Ext. 252
Email: mbond@stmatthewshouse.ca

Mark Ronan
Financial Director
Phone: 905-523-5546 Ext. 237
Email: mronan@stmatthewshouse.ca

Taniesha Gerrish
Manager Children's Services
Phone: 905-523-5546 Ext. 223
Email: tgerrish@stmatthewshouse.ca

Shani Doherty
Executive Coordinator
Phone: 905-523-5546 Ext. 224
Email: sdoherty@stmatthewshouse.ca

Andrew Matthews
Manager Senior Support Programs
Phone: 905-523-5546 Ext. 231
Email: amatthews@stmatthewshouse.ca

Justin Drury
Operations Manager
Phone: 905-523-5546 Ext. 221
Email: jdrury@stmatthewshouse.ca

Kelly Nash
Financial Coordinator
Phone: 905-523-5546 Ext. 237
Email: knash@stmatthewshouse.ca

Alicia Payne
Coordinator of Fundraising, Stewardship & Volunteers
Phone: 905-523-5546 Ext. 230
Email: apayne@stmatthewshouse.ca
Help us help our community!
We rise by lifting others.